Welcome To Pandanus Park
A bush camping retreat for Veterans of the Australian Defence Force - Cape York Peninsula - Queensland
Welcome To Pandanus Park
A bush camping retreat for Veterans of the Australian Defence Force - Cape York Peninsula - Queensland
Cataflaque Party Vietnam Veterans Day 2021
A very solemn moment for all Veterans
Cataflaque Party Vietnam Veterans Day 2021
Cataflaque party dismount
Bush BBQ
Jacks Creek
Plaque from 1st INFANTARY USA
Plaque presented to Pandanus Park for our Memorial
Making Mates
American Visitor enjoying comradery at Pandanus
Spine Board presented to Laura Clinic
One of the many projects of Pandanus Park members for the Laura community
Vietnam Veterans Day
Those who attended Vietnam Veterans Day Ceremony 2016
Normanby River
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Pandanus Park War Veterans Retreat is situated on the northern bank of the Normanby River near Rinyirru (Lakefield) National Park, Cape York, Queensland. It is a place of healing and a place of mateship for all Veterans of the Australian Defence Forces. Relax in a bush camping retreat along the banks of the Normanby River, enjoy the great Australian bush in it’s own natural splendor. Only open to Veterans of the Australian defence forces and their immediate families, it offers a unique enviroment for healing, relaxation and mateship. Peace after War.
Pandanus Park was established predominantly for Vietnam Veterans However the Committee recognized that through the goodwill of the Traditional Owners of Kalpowar Station Australian Defence Force VETERANS from all conflicts are welcome.
The Official Website of Pandanus Park Incorporated Incorporation number IA 34763
PANDANUS PARK IS NOT OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC – For information on who can attend Pandanus Park please contact the President (president@pandanuspark.com.au) or follow the link below
2021 Trip
November 30, 2021
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Thanks to all veterans,families and guests who attended Pandanus Park in 2021. In spite of the lack of Barramundi this year was was again a
Pandanus Park access period
November 26, 2021
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12 Nov. ’21 To all intending visitors please note that Pandanus Park is only accessible from 25 April to 11 Nov each year and that
Pandanus Park Update – Laura Project 2020
November 22, 2021
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Well its cold in the north , no southern tourists or extended travel of more than 250k , the Cape is still closed at Kelly
Upgrade to Pandanus Park Memorial 2016
November 15, 2021
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Photos courtesy of Australian Defence taken by SPR Roger Tang. Australian Army soldiers were working in the Aboriginal community of Laura in Cape York Peninsula,