NOTE: in Qld an in possession rule applies.
A limit of 5 on the east coast of Qld. While you are in the north if you go to gulf of Carpentaria the size changes to 60cm min – 120 cm max, Bag of 5.
The Barra do strike on lures of all shapes and sizes, after the initial strike that you will remember your lifetime they ''leap' and ''head thrash'' trying to throw that lure, it's now your job to ''keep the tension on ''don't give them any slack, drag up tight.
Barra grow to large sizes some well over a meter, legal barra is '58 cm' and must be returned to the water if over '120cm'.
The Barramundi is a bastardized name of an aboriginal word ''barramunda'', it is prolific in northern waters both salt and fresh. Barramundi migrates up and down the Normanby River seasonally to breed.