Pandanus Park War Veterans Retreat is situated on the northern bank of the Normanby River near Rinyirru (Lakefield) National Park, Cape York, Queensland. It is a place of healing and a place of mateship for all Veterans of the Australian Defence Forces. Relax in a bush camping retreat along the banks of the Normanby River, enjoy the great Australian bush in it’s own natural splendor. Only open to Veterans of the Australian defence forces and their immediate families, it offers a unique enviroment for healing, relaxation and mateship. Peace after War.
Pandanus Park was established predominantly for Vietnam Veterans However the Committee recognized that through the goodwill of the Traditional Owners of Kalpowar Station Australian Defence Force VETERANS from all conflicts are welcome.
The Official Website of Pandanus Park Incorporated Incorporation number IA 34763
PANDANUS PARK IS NOT OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC – For information on who can attend Pandanus Park please click here |